Ten days meditating in search of enlightenment

Maarten Dankers, Globe and Mail: I never thought I'd look forward to brushing my teeth. It's not a task I consider particularly exciting. But late last November, it came to that. After eating an apple for dinner, I found myself rushing toward the bathroom for some quality dental hygiene time. That's what happens when you're not allowed to partake in many activities of ordinary life.

For 10 days this past fall, I subjected myself to a meditation retreat. Along with about 70 other souls, I was confined to a basic compound in the woods along the shore of Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island. We were …

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Evening / Morning Chanting 早课/晚课(Pali/English)

Buddhist Dhamma Talk, Pali Chanting, Sanskrit Chanting & Song,MP3,Audio,Video free download Malaysia, Petaling Jaya Tibetan Han version Paritta mandarin English Thailand

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