Know the misconceptions of Yoga

Article by Patresia Adams

Even though, Yoga has now become very popular in India and abroad, there are a number of misconceptions of Yoga in the minds of people. Many still take it as something only for the saints and not for the common people. Now if one goes by the words of Patanjali, the father of Indian Yoga, Yoga is nothing, but the ability to control the modifications of the mind with one's will power. In simple words, it is the reunion of the self with the divine power. It can be termed as a mental state of mind where you cut yourself from the rest of the world and find the inner peace and comfort.

Misconceptions of Yoga at a glance:

You must have seen people who have the power of stopping the circulation of blood or go without food for days or can obstruct a truck. Well, all this requires constant practice, but still it is not Yoga.

Similarly, incidents like breaking iron plates or walking through fire can not be called Yoga practices.

There are people who can remain underground for weeks and also claim to read another person's mind. Now, this again should not be considered as Yoga.

Holding breath for long time, making complicated postures are again not something you can say Yoga or related to Yoga.

Treatment with Yoga:

Yoga is undoubtedly very effective in curing various diseases and also helps in staying fit and healthy. Just by practicing Yoga 15 minutes a day, one can keep himself fit and fine. Now, what more you can ask for?

Divine Wellness is an online platform offering information and consultations on holistic wellness tailored for individual's requirements. The site also aims to aware the people about the misconceptions of Yoga and offers interactive Yoga classes. It also provides vital information about treatment with Yoga.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.


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