The Noble Eightfold Path

Article by Tony Ha

The Noble Eightfold Path also known in other languages and cultures as Sanskrit Ārya 'ṣṭāṅga mārgaḥ, Chinese Bāzhèngdào and Pāli Ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, is a Buddhist tradition taught by the Buddha Śākyamuni. According to instruction, this Path, which takes its place as the fourth part amidst the fundamental Buddhist teachings known as the Four Noble Truths, is supposed to guide followers along a road that ends suffering.

The Noble Eightfold Path in a nutshell is the Buddhists practical guide to end suffering or dukkha. If covers mental rehabilitation, ethics and mind de-conditioning, divided into eight elements that are subdivided into three main categories:

Wisdom (refers to the mental aspect)1. Right understanding2. Right intention

Ethical conduct3. Right speech4. Right action5. Right livelihood

Mental discipline6. Right effort7. Right mindfulness8. Right concentration

Note these are not steps to follow, but a well-rounded process. In fact, the Buddhist symbol for the Noble Eightfold Path is a wheel with eight spokes that represent the path's eight elements.

The Noble Eightfold Path, if viewed in the light of modern cognitive psychology, would be compared to cognitive dissonance or the not getting along of two cognitions. In relation to this concept, some believe that Buddhism focuses around emotions, sensations, cognition and feelings. And Buddha focuses on emotional; desire-related or aversion-related, plus cognitive suffering causes; ignorance-related along with the idea that all things are not perfect, not satisfactory, not necessary.

If viewed in the light of psychology, the Noble Eightfold Path tries to repair differences by changing thought and behavior. Hence the first element of the path seeks the right understanding how the mind views the world in reality. And continuing, how through wisdom, this worldview interacts with thought, what controls actions.

Resources for learning more include:

-An essay entitled,! "Buddhi sm Meets Western Science", by Gay Watson.-Bhikkhu Bodhi. The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering.-Harderwijk, Rudy. A View on Buddhism: Mind and Mental Factors-Kohn, Michael H.; tr. The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen. Boston: Shambhala, 1991.-Rahula, Walpola. What the Buddha Taught. New York: Grove Press, 1974. Niimi, J. Buddhism and Cognitive Science.-Snelling, John. The Buddhist Handbook: A Complete Guide to Buddhist Schools, Teaching, Practice, and History. Rochester: Inner Traditions, 1991.-Thanissaro Bhikkhu; tr. Magga-vibhanga Sutta: An Analysis of the Path.

About the Author

Tony Ha is a freelance writer who writes about buddhism. He tries to make buddhism plain and simple & he thinks about the noble eightfold path.


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