The power of the subconscious mind

Article by Anthony Hosking

For many years now it has been widely accepted that we all have two states of mind, the conscious and the sub-conscious. While these two states of mind are similar, in real life they are worlds apart. Take the simple everyday things that we do without even giving them a thought. Things like breathing, walking, talking and the beating of our hearts, are all handled by the sub-conscious mind. The conscious mind deals with the everyday decisions that we make each day, we use it keep up with the world and what's going on around us.The sub-conscious mind has been likened to a bicycle and a Mack truck, both means of transport but so totally different. While the conscious mind has a great deal to do so we think, the sub-conscious takes all it's load in its stride. The latter being so powerful you would think it would be the best to work with, however in reality it is very hard to work with. The sub-conscious mind never forgets anything, every word you have ever spoken, every thought you have ever had is all recorded in its memory banks. This is a good thing for us as it can be persuaded to recall certain things in life that we have forgotten altogether. Hypnotism is the one vehicle that has proved very successful in dealing with this state of mind.Other vehicles have been discovered, but as yet they have to be proven to work as well or better than hypnosis, one of those being subliminal messaging. Subliminal messaging involves words or pictures flashed to the mind at such speeds, that we fail to register them in the conscious state. If this is indeed effective it can be used to bring about massive changes in a persons makeup. One of the ways that subliminal messaging has been claimed to work, is with what we call audio messaging, and is accomplished by words and affirmations recorded onto another audio track such as music. We are unaware of these messages because they have been recorded below the conscious minds ability to hear, the sub-conscious mind on the other hand can distinguish these messages at ! this ver y low volume.It has been said for many years that all that is required is to bombard the sub-conscious mind with positive affirmation. The belief is that the sub-conscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative, it will act on either in an equal fashion. This being the case, it would seem to suggest that making positive affirmations would be the best avenue to follow. I have studied hypnotism for a number of years now and have always been amazed at the changes that can be brought about in a therapeutic session. Stage hypnotism is a form of entertainment without having as many long lasting effects as the clinical form. I have found that the person undergoing the hypnotic treatment in a clinical environment has a better result and very often recovers completely. These same results are yet to be proved with the subliminal approach; although I believe there is a lot of evidence that points to fact that this might also be the case. Of course in the real world this would certainly be a dramatic discovery, having so much to offer the individual concerned.Imagine just listening to our favorite music and being healed of whatever ails us. By this I mean, we could cure all sorts of things from stopping smoking to losing weight. Yes it would be a wonderful thing. I believe the reason the subliminal tapes, CDs and computer programs are not being very effective is one reason and one reason alone. I have found that the hypnotized person, me included actually sees it like it was actually taking place, it is very real. This being the case the subconscious mind believes it to be real as well and acts accordingly.The old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" has a lot of merit, when we think we think in pictures why is this? I believe because that it the way to influence the sub-conscious mind, and as such just any old affirmation good or bad does not carry any great belt behind it. No we need to impress our sub-conscious mind with pictures; the clearer and more detailed the better. When we can do! that th rough the use of tapes and CDs the nearer we will be to making subliminal messaging work the same as hypnotism.I do believe that if we could all make our own subliminal mediums, we may have better results, why? Because I also believe we are the only ones that can put enough passion into our voices to create the picture in our minds eye, to make it work. With that being the case I am working on a system that will let the user do just that. It is still in the planning stage, but I believe it will work. If this interests you keep an eye on my website for any announcement in this vain. My website is called Kowhai Productions

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How Mindfulness Helps Define Quality of Life - Garren Katz

In Chapter 2 of 13 in his 2010 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, executive and private life coach Garren Katz shares his views on what defines quality of life. Katz prioritizes freedom, joy, happiness, and pleasure over accolade, reward and title. He also finds in-the-moment decision making a valuable approach, including deciding on a whim to run the New York City Marathon with a three-time cancer survivor. Katz is a graduate of Western Michigan University and coaches clients on areas such as entrepreneurship, relationships, and personal finances. Learn more about Garren at View more videos at Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook:

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