How to Prevent iPad Shoulder Pain

CREDIT: Tablet photo via Shutterstock

If your shoulder hurts after using your tablet, you may be able to ease the discomfort by changing how you hold the device, a new study shows.

Compared with users of desktop computers, tablet users are more likey to sit in a flexed posture — which can lead to neck and shoulder discomfort — because of the low angle at which people tend to hold their head and neck while viewing a tablet's screen, the researchers said.

Placing the tablet on a higher surface, such as on a table rather than on your lap, will improve your posture, according to the study, which was conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, the Microsoft Corporation and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

In the study, 15 experienced tablet users completed a series of tasks using two media tablets — the Apple iPad2 and the Motorola Xoom. Each tablet had a case that could be adjusted to tilt it, or prop it up.

The participants used the tablets in four typical user positions: they placed a tablet in their laps while also holding it in their hands, they held it on their laps and in a case, they had it on a table and in a case, and they used it resting atop a table and in a case set at a high angle, fit for watching movies.

In each position, the participants completed simple computer tasks, such as browsing the Internet and playing games. Their head and neck postures, gaze angles and distance from the tablet were measured using a motion-analysis system.

The findings showed that the users' posture was best when the devices were set at their steepest angle. This suggests that users should place tablets on a surface that is higher than their lap, such as on a table, to avoid low gaze angles. They should also use a case that provides steeper viewing angles, the researchers advised.

However, the study showed that steeper angles may be detrimental for tasks requiring your hands, such as typing a long email. The researchers said that further studies examining the effects of tablet placement on users' posture are needed.

"Our results will be useful for updating ergonomic computing standards and guidelines for tablet computers," study researcher Jack T. Dennerlein of the Harvard School of Public Health, said in a statement.

The study was published in the January issue of Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation.

Pass it on: Placing your tablet computer on a table rather than on your lap and using a tablet cover with a steep tilt angle may ease shoulder discomfort.

Follow Remy Melina on Twitter @remymelina, and follow MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. Like us on Facebook.

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Bodhidharma's Shoe

Americans began to practice Zen in the 1960s under the guidance of teachers from Japan. American Zen practice preserves many Japanese monastic traditions as Tom Davenport's personal account of a seven day intensive Zen retreat, documents. The filmmaker intercuts video of the retreat with drawings by Giei Sato that were published in the book "Unsui: A Diary of Zen Monastic Life" (University of Hawaii Press). This retreat or "Sesshin" was at Bodhi Manda Zen Center, Jemez Springs, New Mexico --one of the most rigorous and conservative Zen Centers in the United States. The teacher is Joshu Sasaki Roshi who was born in 1907 and came to the United States in 1962. Other American Zen Centers have adapted and changed (using English in the chanting, for example) but the core practices of Zen Centers are similar. For some healthy criticism of American Zen practice, please take a look at by Stuart Lachs. Tom Davenport is one of the founders of Folkstreams and began his Zen practice in the late 1960s. Bodhidharma is the legendary Zen Buddhism monk who brought Zen (Ch'an) practice from Indian to China in the 5th Century.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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