10 Natural Stress Relief Remedies

Article by Ryan Camana MNLP, MHt, MTT, BA

Stress affects all of us. There is the positive stress known as "eustress" which is from exercise and other enjoyable experiences. Of course the stress you want to rid yourself of is the negative stress. The kind that leads to weight gain, heart attacks and even cancer. Definitely you want to get rid of this stress as fast as possible.

Here are some techniques you can use to reduce your stress level:

1. Practice yoga, meditation, or tai chi. Any type of ritualistic practice, especially if it involves long flowing movements, helps to alleviate stress. Taking time to focus on yourself, relaxing each individual part of your body can make a huge difference in your outlook and dramatically reduce stress.

2. Have some green tea. Green tea is fantastic at relieving stress because of a chemical known as theanine. Theanine is a naturally occurring relaxation chemical. It calms and focuses the mind leading to relaxation. Theanine can also be taken directly as a supplement to help acute stress.

3. Take Siberian ginseng. Sometimes referred to as Eleuthero this adaptogenic herb is master at helping you deal with daily physical and mental stress. The herb is even used by astronauts to help deal with the high amounts of physical and mental strain experienced with space travel.

4. Keep a journal. Journaling is a fantastic way of "venting" the emotions you're experiencing. Rather than holding everything in, a journal or diary can give you that much needed perspective on a problem you're having. Journaling allows you to "clear" your subconscious mind by effectively taking down spinning plates that you may feel you have to keep balanced.

5. Take a rhodiola supplement. Another fantastic adaptogenic herb which helps your mind and body deal with prolonged tension or stress. Rhodiola also comes from the Siberian area and has been used extensively by Olympic athletes.

6. Drink Chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is derived from a white flower with a yellow center. Chamomile has been us! ed for c enturies for all sorts of ailments especially for stress and stomach ailments. Try drinking chamomile before bed to get a better night of sleep.

7. Listen to music. The ideal music to listen to when relaxing is "harmonic" music. Harmonic music like classical music slows the brain waves allowing for a deep relaxation.

8. Exercise. Short burst, intense exercise is extremely effective for stress reduction. Many people enjoy running long distances. Long distance running can stress the body significantly if not done properly. If you are not trained in long distance running, I'd advise against it.

9. Take a bath with epsom salts. A warm bath is a relaxing experience mentally. Add epsom salts and you can increase your magnesium levels. Low levels of magnesium cause muscle tension, cramps and calcium deficiencies. If you find yourself craving chocolate you probably have a magnesium deficiency.

10. Do something good for someone else. Human beings are hardwired to help other people. Studies show that people who serve in charities, churches and other "helping" organizations experience less stress and more happiness.

Be sure to practice anti stress activities daily. Stress has a nasty habit of sneaking up on us with no warning.

About the Author

These techniques are powerful but they are not enough. There are still more stress relief techniques you need to acquire to move from fear to success in your life.

For more free tips, sign up for my personal development newsletter at: www.DynamicBreakthroughs.com

Learn Reiki

fastspiritualawakening.com Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is part of an ancient Tibetan Buddhist practice that stresses empowerment. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy. A special thank you for all the great information to www.reiki-for-holistic-health.com http

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