
Showing posts from May, 2012

The Mind, Stress and Meditation

by maile&justin Article by Jenifer Shapiro Zen Coaching Introduction - Inner Critic, Inner Coach by Kåre Landfald, founder of Zen Coaching -- To buy DVDs see (2 1/2 hour talks or the 4-day, 12-hour Relaxing Into Being DVD course). Video Rating: 5 / 5

Would NYC's Ban on Big Sodas Reduce Obesity? Experts Weigh In

CREDIT: Soda photo via Shutterstock A proposal to ban the sale of large, sugar-sweetened drinks in some New York City establishments is an important first step in combating the obesity epidemic but is not a solution on its own, experts say. The proposal raises awareness about the problem of large food portions and supports a culture that consumes less, said Simone French, associate director of the University of Minnesota Obesity Prevention Center. For instance, since the Coca-Cola Co. began selling its products, bottles often consumed as a single serving have increased in size  from 6.5 ounces to 20 ounces, French said. "We need to have a cultural shift back to more modest, reasonable, appropriate portion sizes if we want to help reduce the obesity epidemic," she said. However, others say the proposed ban, which the city Board of Health is expected to consider over the summer and would not be adopted before next year, might be largely a symbolic

Buddhism religion history

by runforyourlife90 Article by Nikhil Gangoli In this Buddhism religion history, I will cover its history in India. In actual fact Buddhism covered almost the whole of Asia - excluding perhaps Russia. But I cannot cover all these details in a short article. The Shakyamuni Buddha founded Buddhism through his enlightenment and teaching. He livd between 563 BC and 483 BC Buddhism gained in popularity in India mainly during the reign of King Asoka (274-236BCE) because of his patronage. Asoka is remembered in countries as far away as Japan because of his efforts to promote and spread Buddhism. Asoka played an important role in Buddhism religion history. The doctrine which arose as a result of the original Buddha's teaching is Theravada Buddhism - or the Path of the Elders. It is also called Hinayana Buddhism. Around and between the period 0-500 of the Christian era Mahayana Buddhi

Dark Chocolate Lowers Heart Attack, Stroke Risk

CREDIT: Chocolate photo via Shutterstock Eating dark chocolate every day may lower the risk of having a heart attack or stroke for some people at higher risk of these conditions, a new study from Australia found. Researchers gathered data on 2,013 people who had metabolic syndrome — which is a cluster of medical issues that includes high blood pressure, a large waist and low levels of "good" cholesterol — and used mathematical equations to predict how eating dark chocolate daily could affect the number of strokes and heart attacks the group would be expected to have. Based on their results, the researchers calculated that for every 10,000 people with metabolic syndrome who ate 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate every day for 10 years, 70 non-fatal and 15 fatal cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks or strokes, could be prevented. Studies have shown that the risk of cardiovascular disease can be lowered over the short-term by eating compounds cal

Benefit Of Meditation

by The National Archives UK Article by Jeff Hudson What is the benefit of meditation? Generally, the human nervous system is made up of three major parts which are the central, the peripheral as well as the autonomic nervous systems. The benefit of these systems is that they help us in controlling our perception towards the universe. The greatest benefit of meditation is that it betters body's health. In actual sense, there is stress relief while initiating peace of soul. To understand meditation at a higher level, we could focus on the seven chakras. It is important to understand how to open chakras when it comes to meditation and its benefits. When one of the seven chakras is blocked, the organs controlled by the blocked chakras may dysfunction which may later lead to illness.Meditation attacks these causes thus hindering any chakras blockage by maintaining balance. Balance

How to Make Each Day a Downhill Stroll Instead of an Uphill Struggle

Back in college, I came across a life-changing personal development concept. It made an immediate difference to my academic work – and it's still something that helps me every day. That concept was the idea of resistance, set out in Mark Forster's book Get Everything Done and Still Have Time to Play . Resistance is that feeling you get when you think about a big project or a difficult task; you naturally want to put it off in favor of something easier. Resistance crops up when: You've got a book/article/newsletter to write You need to completely rework your resume You have to make a difficult phone call to a problem client You know you should go for a jog … but it's raining outside …and in pretty much any situation when you're facing something hard. Why You Shouldn't Let Resistance Win Giving in to resistance might feel tempting, but it's not a good idea. In the short-term, it means that every day feels like an uphill struggle. You'll put off the hard,

Workouts that convey Reduction for Lower Back Right Facet Pain

by familymwr Article by Shami Exercises are very essential if we wish to prevent lower back proper facet pain. It isn't enough to have good posture alone. We have to be sure that our our bodies are sturdy and flexible. We should always first establish the problem when it occurs and discover out the precise location of pain. The ache on the best facet may happen when we twist abruptly or carry out a lifting motion or activity that makes use of more strain on the correct side. Since almost all of us are proper handed, we use this side extra often. This is the rationale why most often we get back ache on the suitable side.This doesn't mean that we now have to solely train on the right side. It is not a good idea to concentrate on just one facet although it's stronger than the left side.Before you begin an train regime for proper facet ache, ensure you seek the advice of

June 2012 Numerology Forecast

romantic influence The universal June numerology forecast calls for a slow month with strong romantic influence. Paying attention to small details will make a big difference. Be more receptive and less assertive. .. Read the rest for the #2 below. The number information in italics is for the current month's universal forecast. To find your own personal month: add your month and day of birth and the current month and year together like in the example below. Example: Feb 3, June 2012 2+3+6+2+0+1+2=16=1+6= 7 #1 – New Beginning Something new is coming your way in your work or family life. You are busy and in full planning mode. This is a great time to get married, the birth of a child or the start of a new business. Use your head and stay disciplined. Take pride in your accomplishments, but at the same time know that you still have much to do. #2 – Slow Month June will turn out to be a slow month with strong romantic influences. This is a time of integration and ch

Walk in tubs is a new style of bathtub, few things you should keep in mind before using walk in bathtub

by RON SOMBILON MEDIA, ART and PHOTOGRAPHY Article by Usman You can actually walk into this new style of bathtub rather than step up into. Getting in and out from this new bathtub is very easy and simple. This new bathtub is called walk in tubs Lexington ky. The walk in tubs is very popular among those persons who are experiencing some kind of mobility problems and this is also very effective and useful for the elderly people. A walk in tub is manufactured with ease and comfortable of use in mind. A walk in bathtub has a small door on the side of the tub and this door opens to allow the entry of a user. This feature is very effective and useful for those persons who have some kind of mobility problem and they are scared to stepping up in the bathtub. Now with this walk in tubs Lexington ky it is possible for everyone to enjoy the comfortable and relax bathing. There are some diff

Seven Lessons to Reboot Your Life

In 2008, I was like most dynamic women: running on life's treadmill, overbooking myself, pursuing all my passions at once. Ha. Trying to "live my best life" almost stole it from me. I almost died from a brain aneurysm. My husband found me on the floor, collapsed and unconscious. Emergency scans revealed a ruptured aneurysm had caused a severe brain hemorrhage. After surgery, doctors had no idea what my brain damage prognosis would be as I lay sedated and on a ventilator in ICU. I spent six weeks in the hospital, blind from retinal damage that had also occurred. It turned out to be a gift: The hectic pace of my life finally caught up and it was time to make a change. My recovery was amazing, according to doctors. Eye surgery improved my vision and I spent a long time getting my strength back, learning rehab therapies for the unseen cognitive and psychological deficits common to brain injury. I later learned to use my experience, voice and writing to become a patient adv

Yoga for Back Pain Part 1

by Pedro Moura Pinheiro Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher Yoga Mudras Of The Body - Classical Maha Yoga Mudra Buy the Yoga: Mudras Of The Body DVD at: or Follow us on facebook- and twitter- Classical Maha Yoga Mudra Mudra is the ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital Pranic energies in the human body for health, well being and spiritual evolution. These are advanced techniques designed to improve neuromuscular coordination, culture human emotions and still the restless mind. Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri, one of the greatest Yoga Masters of the past century taught numerous Mudras in the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition and this presentation takes a comprehensive look at the various classes of Mudras such as the Hastha Mudras (gestures of the hands), Pada Mudras (gestures of the feet) and Chakshu Mudras (gestures of the eyes). T

June 2012 Numerology Forecast

romantic influence The universal June numerology forecast calls for a slow month with strong romantic influence. Paying attention to small details will make a big difference. Be more receptive and less assertive. .. Read the rest for the #2 below. The number information in italics is for the current month's universal forecast. To find your own personal month: add your month and day of birth and the current month and year together like in the example below. Example: Feb 3, June 2012 2+3+6+2+0+1+2=16=1+6= 7 #1 – New Beginning Something new is coming your way in your work or family life. You are busy and in full planning mode. This is a great time to get married, the birth of a child or the start of a new business. Use your head and stay disciplined. Take pride in your accomplishments, but at the same time know that you still have much to do. #2 – Slow Month June will turn out to be a slow month with strong romantic influences. This is a time of integration and ch

De-stressed, relaxed, rejuvenated for a feel good feeling: Learn YOGA

by PoramapornN Article by Yoga Les Yoga is increasing been seen as inexpensive, result oriented cure for the maximum disease a human has. Online yoga offers an opportunity to learn on their will and without undergoing any grueling task of lifting weights, dumb bells etc. Online yoga offers many benefits to people who want to maintain a consistent yoga practice but insufficient money to pay the studio fees, collection of DVDs may have become old fashioned or obsolete or newcomers often say they feel lost in classes that are geared to the higher skill levels of more frequent visitors, or they develop an ego problem about other students judging their bodies or their skill. Online yoga websites are convenient and offer a wide variety of practices to choose from different kinds of asanas, aerobics, pranayams, meditation techniques, vinayasa etc, and this online yoga facilitates to lea

Spiritual Guides Assist You if You Ask: Here's How

by AlicePopkorn Article by Scott Petullo & Stephen Petullo In a previous article we offered a few aspectsof the Mystic's Magic Formula and promisedmore information in the future. The Mystic'sMagic Formula is a mix of practical and spiritualtechniques to help you deal with what you can'tchange in your life and manifest your desires. We won't cover all steps of the Mystic's MagicFormula here, but two very important elementsinvolve meditation and inviting help from yourhigher-self, guides of the Light and, or God. How do you get help from God, spirit guides,and your higher-self? Those of the light on the other side want tohelp you, but you have to ask. Getting in thehealthy habit of regularly saying out loud,perhaps before or even during your regularmeditation, "Spirit guides, masters, teachers,and helpers of the Light, God, please guide meto the answers

'Safe' Arsenic Levels Harm Pregnant Mice and Offspring, Study Says

CREDIT: ArtMast | Stock Xchng Arsenic levels in drinking water deemed safe in the U.S. have negative health effects on pregnant mice and their offspring, according to a new study, and the findings could have implications for people, the researchers say. Pregnant and lactating mice that drank water with 10 parts per billion (ppb) of arsenic had disruptions in their fat metabolism, leading to a reduction of nutrients in the mice's blood and breast milk. The Environmental Protection Agency limits arsenic levels in drinking water to 10 ppb. The reduction in nutrients had little effect on the offspring's birth weight and whether they were born on time, but it did lead to growth and developmental deficits in the young mice. Right before weaning, the pups were smaller than normal, and malnourished. "We have to think again about whether 10 ppb arsenic as a U.S. drinking water standard is safe and protective of human health," said study author Jo