June 2012 Numerology Forecast

romantic influence

romantic influence

The universal June numerology forecast calls for a slow month with strong romantic influence. Paying attention to small details will make a big difference. Be more receptive and less assertive... Read the rest for the #2 below.

The number information in italics is for the current month's universal forecast. To find your own personal month: add your month and day of birth and the current month and year together like in the example below.

Example: Feb 3, June 2012
2+3+6+2+0+1+2=16=1+6= 7

#1 – New Beginning

Something new is coming your way in your work or family life. You are busy and in full planning mode. This is a great time to get married, the birth of a child or the start of a new business. Use your head and stay disciplined. Take pride in your accomplishments, but at the same time know that you still have much to do.

#2 – Slow Month

June will turn out to be a slow month with strong romantic influences. This is a time of integration and changes in friendships. Paying attention to small details will make a big difference. The could be a temporary delay in money. Be more receptive and less assertive. Pay attention to your driving this month – drive carefully.

#3 – Creative Urge

June will bring more vitality than last month. You have a strong creative urge for art and music. You are ready to buy new clothes, take a trip, entertain at home, have a child or start a garden. You want to make changes in your home by buying carpeting, drapes and wallpaper. Put some flowers in your home. You don't have currently any money worries. You bring light to others' problems.

#4 – Work

June's headline says work. You are busy making plans for the future and at the same time find many restrictions at home, on the job and with money. This is not a good time to travel for you. Watch your pocket book and don't overspend. Reorganize on all levels. Be careful driving. You can produce what you have conceived, go take that class.

#5 – Surprising Changes

It is important to stay adaptable and flexible as there are surprising changes coming your way. Don't not enter a battle of wills. You have great business influence so advertise yourself, get out and network and meet with rich people. Travel is very much highlighted, buy those traveler's checks and stay in the best hotels. How about investing in the unusual?

#6 – Domestic Time

June brings changes in you home life in this very domestic time period. Life will go smoother if you are generous, tolerant and helpful. This month may bring you the loss of a relative or relationship and/or a possible inheritance. There is a strong feeling of affluence and security around you, as well as a good influence for artistic endeavours.

#7 – Spiritual Time

The emphasis in June is less on the material side than on the spiritual side. Going on a retreat, making changes in your diet and starting an exercise program are just a few ways. Take time to rest and enjoy the quiet of the country. Your dreams have something to tell you, listen to them. You will be changing and refining your goals and ideas and in the process you will define your specialty. To your surprise a secret will emerge.

#8 – Be Businesslike

This month your life seems to be harder than you would like it to be, but know that if you work steadily your effort will pay off. You could expect a small raise. It might be time to sell something that you have had for a long time. Timing is right to hire an accountant. You must be businesslike, but decisions will come slowly. Money and power are the issues for June.

#9 – Time of Completion

You are entering a time of completion especially when it comes to creative projects. Be generous and reach out to others. You are in a time period of influence and luck. Your lesson right now is to let go of your need to control and let the situations unfold as they will. Be aware that your are right now easily influenced by what others say. You are starting to see the workings of fate in your life and want to nurture the urge for spiritual meaning. Stay tolerant of others. Above all do not start a new project until next month. Take this time to unclutter your mind and your life.

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