Meditation Good For Getting Rid Of Stress

Article by Simran

Though there are number of ways by which we can reduce our stress. But out of all meditation is a good way for getting rid of stress. But it may be challenging for number of people when it comes to meditation. But one should keep in mind that meditation is good way for reducing stress and that to without any side effect. With the help of meditation you can get rid of anxiety, stress, headache etc. On the other hand with the help of meditation you can make your immune system strong and healthy.

Meditation helps reducing your stress response and protects you from effects of chronic stress.

Now let's understand benefit of practicing meditation:-

1. It controls your breath and heart beats.2. Meditation helps controlling your blood pressure and makes us use oxygen more effectively.3. It clears negative aspects from our mind.4. It helps in improving our immune system.5. It helps in controlling our cholesterol level.

Let's understand how meditation works:-

It's important that one should take at least 5 to 20 distraction free minutes. Its important to that one should find a quite place for doing meditation. After finding quiet place sit in a relaxed position, clear your mind and focus on some sound such as OM or try to focus on your breathing. It has been found that number of meditation professional gives a spiritual color to it but it can also be a secular exercise. It depends on your choice.

Keep one thing in mind that meditation is complete free as you don't have to pay for it what you can do is practice at your own place. For this you don't require training as out there you will find number of books and CD's which you can purchase and learn the technique of meditation.

Unlike other stress reduction therapies like herbal remedies or other chemical drugs, it has no side effects; no outside equipment is required for doing meditation. Therefore it is easy to practice and is not strenuous at all. On the other hand meditation can be practiced in number of ways by us! ing diff erent techniques.

What meditation involve is focusing on the now. This involves experiencing each moment and letting it go. What it requires is only practice.

The biggest benefit of meditation is it helps increasing brain activity in an area of brain it can be related to happiness or positive thoughts and emotions.

Meditation requires concentration. This involves focusing on a particular object or sound that is generally outside oneself. For instance candle flame, mantra or sound.

For doing meditation sit in a comfortable posture.....Read More

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NOW Is The Time! Part 1

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