Consciously Use the Law of Attraction

Article by Richard Blackstone

Using the law of attraction consciously is the secret to creating the life of your dreams. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with spirituality information. Use your spiritual growth concerning the importance of your thoughts.

Are you beginning to see how powerful your thoughts are? Do you see the importance of monitoring your thoughts? The only way to do that is to be conscious of what you are thinking and understand the relationship that what you put your attention on determines what kind of thoughts you attract. This cause and effect relationship is a pretty simple concept.

The key is to be consciously aware of what you are placing your attention on. You need to wake up to the fact that you, either your ego or your sacred self, are the determining factor in what you choose that is important enough in your life that you place enough of your attention on it to draw to you by thinking thoughts about it, which allow you to choose to pursue those thoughts and thereby manifest in your reality whatever it is that is important to you.What is important to you? Have you really thought about that? Think about it. If you put your attention on this question, you will begin receiving thoughts about it. So if you desire to start this process, you should put yourself in an environment that will not distract you from the purpose you intended. To consciously determine what is important to you. The key word here is "consciously."You need a quiet place with no distractions. You need to set aside a reasonable amount of time for this process. Remember we are talking about what is important to you. Theoretically, what you seek is a framework of the ideals and concepts that are important to you. Don't worry about the people, places and things that are important to you. You can plug these in later once you have developed the life that you envision through this framework of ideas and concepts.Once again this is a process. You can't just sit down and whip out what is important to you, w! rite it down, put it in the desk and never look at it again. This is going to take conscious, concerted effort. This may seem hard in the beginning but it will make your life easier in the end. Is that worth it to you? Is it worth it to put out a little effort in order to reap the rewards of a happy, effortless life? It's your choice. Nobody is going to make you do this. In fact nobody is going to even know that you have done this except you.That's what this exercise and this article and this life is all about. It's about you. You are the bottom line in this equation because you are the only one who determines and creates every facet of your life lived. Here's the deal. Every facet of your life lived influences every thing in the universe. Everything that you choose to create influences the universal mind because the universal mind is influenced by what you put your attention on and choose to pursue.It is universal. It is part of everyone and everything. We are all one with the universal intelligence that we know of as the source from which all things exist.So you see, this exercise is not only important for you but it is also important for everything in the universe. You are the key to humanity in every thought that you choose to pursue that defines who you determine yourself to be. Humbling, yet exalting. And that is as it should be. Living within the dichotomy of Godness.Okay, so you have a quiet place where you can think about what is important to you. Get yourself a pen and paper because you need to record these priorities so you can check your progress in attaining these goals.Now just take some time and start thinking about what is important in your life and begin to take an inventory of your innermost aspirations. What you need to focus on is what states of beingness best declare who and what you are.Don't focus on having a new car or some fancy stereo equipment but instead focus on "being abundant." By "being abundant" you transcend the short sighted goals of owning this or that material possession by a! ttaining a state of beingness that includes all the goods that you may desire. What you need to focus on is your beingness. Who are you? Who do you desire to be? Is the person that you define yourself as right now being the person that you truly desire to be? What states to beingness do you need to reduce or eliminate in order to become who you truly desire to be? What states of beingness do you need to assume or accentuate in order to become who you truly desire to be?

Now focus on these states of being and see what serves you and what does not serve you..

About the Author

Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:

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The Rainbow Serpent: Dawn of the New Age Beyond 2012

The Rainbow Serpent is a powerful and ancient energy current that travels around the world from Uluru (Ayres Rock, Australia) linking Planetary Chakras. The Aborigines knew this serpent well, their age old stories tell of two serpents; a female snake Kuniya and her nephew Liru, who meet at Uluru. The Rainbow Serpent feature documentary encompasses one man's five year pilgrimage. Join Tor Webster in his travels around the earth's chakra points, communicating and exploring global unity consciousness and discussing spirituality with tribal elders and sacred rites with the local spiritual communities. Gaia's energy system is remarkably similar to our own with our connection to the earth far greater than we realize, WE are the awareness of the planet and its only hope of salvation. Linking the myths and legends from all over the planet, we find a deep culture that has been lost to the sands of time. This film aims to inspire people to travel consciously around the world and into their own hearts.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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