Spirituality Information: The Secret to Self Improvement

Article by Richard Blackstone

The secret to improving your life is to understand what serves you and what doesn't serve you. Your spiritual awareness will help you in this discernment process. This is nothing like religious dogma, it is an attitude of being open to everything and attached to nothing. Use the law of attraction to focus on the object of your attention.

As we gain insight (going within sight) about the object of our attention, we are able to see aspects of the subject matter that reveal to us something we had not seen or thought of before. We can then look at this totally new idea or perspective and see if it merits our focused attention.

We may choose to pursue this new idea that came to us from pursuing the other idea. This new idea, which had not been in the scope of our thinking, becomes revealed to us as a result of our investigation of another idea. We keep opening new doors of awareness that shed new unique lights in the pursuit of our intentions and desires.As these doors come into our awareness, we find ourselves at choice as to whether we want to open them or not. You see, we are at total choice in all matters. Think about it. You made a conscious choice to read this article. By doing so, you are making an agreement with yourself to expose yourself to the information, ideas and concepts that are revealed to you because of that choice.Each concept or point of view, as seen by this author, is being evaluated by your inner guidance system for validity and content. I am taking a leap of faith here but I would venture to say that most people who are reading this article are doing so with the intention of improving their lives. There may be several reasons why you are reading this but somewhere within your reasoning is probably an idea that by reading this material you will discover some information that will allow you to come out of this book reading process with some information that will be of value to you.So let's just say that your intention is to improve your life. You are evaluating these ! words ri ght now. You are making choices in the present moment of now as to the validity of what you are reading. You are thinking about what you are thinking about.Most of this is done in a subconscious manner. That is, we are absorbing and evaluating but we are also continuing to read. We are truly amazing beings aren't we?So we observe this process going on. We are taking in the information through the physical act of reading using the physical sense of sight. We are processing this information by comparing it to the library of knowledge that we consciously know of as our memory of data that we have accumulated throughout our physical life in this stage of our current birth, life, and death cycle.If you have been incorporating some of the ideas in these articles you are asking yourself this question. "Does this serve me?" Now you are at choice. If this information serves you, you may choose to use it. Then again you may choose not to use it. You see, even if you have determined that yes, this information does serve me and yes, if I implemented this information into my life process I believe that I would improve my life, you may still choose not to use it.

In fact, I will take another leap of faith here and venture to guess that many people reading this article and finding value in the ideas and concepts presented and acknowledging to themselves that if they were to implement these ideas and concepts into their life that they would improve their life, that many people will make the choice, either consciously or unconsciously, not to incorporate these ideas into their lives.And that is perfectly okay and as it should be. We have free will to choose every aspect of our beingness. There is no agenda set out for us except what we choose as an agenda. We are free to be whomever we choose to be. The beingness we choose will determine what we end up doing because beingness creates doingness. The key here is that you are exposed to the information. Being privy to the information is the important thing because no! w that y ou are exposed to the ideas and concepts they are part of you. Actually they have always been part of you, as a spirit child of God, but as a human being we only get exposed to this information by having the intention of this idea of "improving your life." Then we merely put our attention on our intention and thereby trigger the universal mind to start sending you the thoughts that will lead you to your intention.

And then, of course, the final piece of the puzzle is to make the choice to actual incorporate the information into your actions and begin the process of change.

About the Author

Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from ConsciousOne.com for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com

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UFOTV: Nothing In this Video is True but It's Exactly How Things Are - Bob Frissell

If conventional explanations of life don't make much sense to you anymore, the ideas in this film just might. Bob Frissell is the author of the classic underground book "Nothing in this Book is True, but it's Exactly how things are." Frissell explains the details of earth changes, pole shifts, cataclysmic events, UFOs, Aliens, sacred geometry, creation, spirituality, ascension, conspiracy theories, and the human creative process. This film presents a unique account of our planetary ascent into higher consciousness, a big screen view of earth drama through Bob Frissell's investigation, and journey into the experience of ascended masters and spiritual guides including a witness from the 13th dimension known to many as Drunvalo Melchizedek. Ultimately your perception of reality will be turned inside out by the facts presented in this amazing mind-blowing program. Perhaps you're one of the many who sense that the inhabitants of the planet earth are destined to experience miraculous change in the not-too-distant future. NOW ON DVD - NOTHING TO SOMETHING, Cat# U461. Go to www.UFOTV.com

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