Spiritual Guides Assist You if You Ask: Here's How

Article by Scott Petullo & Stephen Petullo

In a previous article we offered a few aspectsof the Mystic's Magic Formula and promisedmore information in the future. The Mystic'sMagic Formula is a mix of practical and spiritualtechniques to help you deal with what you can'tchange in your life and manifest your desires.

We won't cover all steps of the Mystic's MagicFormula here, but two very important elementsinvolve meditation and inviting help from yourhigher-self, guides of the Light and, or God.

How do you get help from God, spirit guides,and your higher-self?

Those of the light on the other side want tohelp you, but you have to ask. Getting in thehealthy habit of regularly saying out loud,perhaps before or even during your regularmeditation, "Spirit guides, masters, teachers,and helpers of the Light, God, please guide meto the answers I seek about...," for example, willopen the door, usher in help from the other sideand, at the same time, remind you that help isavailable. We offer additional informationabout the art of asking for spiritual help,meditation, and a whole lot more in the Mystic'sMagic Formula and elsewhere in Direct YourDestiny (tm) e-package.

Asking for help from the other side or yourhigher-self is one thing, but you've got to bein the right state of mind to receive theassistance. The more centered and groundedyou are, the more likely you will hear thosefaint whisperings in your ear, see the signsas they subtly appear visually, or receivehelpful insight through other means.

Yes, we know, it's not easy to get into thepractice of meditation, but like many thingsworthwhile, it demands discipline and practice. It's a long-term discipline and the more you work at it, the more benefits you'll receive. Even if it's only for 10 minutesa day, some form of meditation is necessaryto magnify your awareness and deepenyour perspective.

Meditation is ultimately a process ofdetaching from the over-active consciousmind to a place of stillness and peace. Youknow when your mind is mentally multi-tasking,per! haps goi ng in 10 directions at once?That's the opposite of a good meditativestate.

A good meditative state for receiving insight and answers to your questions is like your mind is on pause while you listen for the sound of a train in the distance. As an added bonus, proper meditation releases feel-good, natural opiates from your brain.

We offer many tips, tricks, and unique methodsfor achieving a great meditative state in theDirect Your Destiny (tm) e-package and we'lloffer some simple advice here.

If you're having trouble getting into a goodmeditative state, close your eyes and focuson the middle of your chest. If you find yourmind drifting away from this point of focus,slowly start counting and imagine drawingthe numbers on your chest plate.

Alternatively, close your eyes and directthem up to your third eye area betweenyour eyebrows. Without straining youreyes, keep them focused there, as it willhelp to induce an altered state.

If you tend to fall asleep during meditation, keep your eyes open and focus on the flame of a candle while counting from 1 to 100. Once you reach 100, begin again. Do this until you feel peace and calmness washing over you.

Remember, it takes practice. The old joke"I tried meditating, but nothing happened," might seem applicable, but know that youwill reach an altered state in time. By theway, "nothing happened" is the objective ingood meditation; you are so blissfullycentered and detached from mind chatter,and enjoying a feel-good state, that there isroom for divine guidance to appear at thedoorstep of your mind.

Copyright (c) Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

About the Author

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic. http://www.mystictwins.com http://www.holisticmakeover.com

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Secret History of Saint Germain - Ascended Master of the New Golden Age

Two movies were released on October 28th, 2011 (the end-date of the Mayan calendar in the Carl Calleman model) which are directly related to Ascended Master Saint Germain and the unfoldment of the New Age of Aquarius. I have edited the trailers to these two movies together with a documentary on the history of Saint Germain. Please use your discernment with this material - it is not to be believed blindly. But if you will keep an open mind and do your own research, you may be surprised by how much Truth this documentary contains. I personally agree with almost all of the information in the documentary. As someone who has been personally involved with this material for over a decade, I was struck by how accurate and well-done this presentation is. I will probably continue this series with an edit of the second part of the series "Change Is On The Horizon". You can watch the original version here: www.youtube.com James Rink's YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com "Anonymous" Official Site: anonymous-movie.com "In Time" Official Site: www.intimemovie.com Copyright Notice: I do not own the material presented in these videos. They are shown for educational purposes in accordance with "Fair Use".

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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