Yoga Is Useful For All Age-groups

Article by Yoga Freak

Yoga is a priceless treasure now available to all. It is a form of exercise that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is widely recognized as a scientific method to stretch, tone, strengthen, and relax the entire body, inside and out, rewarding the practitioner with glowing health. Yogasanas are safe and effective for people of all ages. Yoga is an exercise regimen that anyone can practice, no matter how old or young. Yoga is an ancient practice that benefits every age and body type.

Yoga for Kids: Today's kids are under a lot of stress as compared to the previous generation - homework, peer pressure, never-ending after-school pursuits and interests. Yoga has been found to be very effective in addressing these problems. The practices of yoga not only help to keep the young body strong and supple but also incorporate mental activities and disciplines that help to develop attention and concentration, and stimulate the creative abilities that are latent within the child.

Yoga for Teens: The teenage years can be the most difficult years, both physically and emotionally. A teenager's life is continually in a state of change. During puberty and the later teen years, enormous and rapid changes take place in the body and mind. The yoga program for teenagers should be so designed as to minimize the negative effects of hormonal changes that they inevitably go through. Sun salutation is an amazing asana series that would leave them both energized and calm at the same time. The shoulder stand is wonderful for balancing the hormones, and together with the plough pose and the fish pose, it is most effective.

Yoga for Adults: The biggest problem with today's adults is of managing stress. It is a known fact that stress is the cause of ninety percent of aliments striking humans. One has to juggle so many variables to keep oneself competitive in his work place. An adult has to play many roles simultaneously, viz. father, son, husband, subordinate, boss, etc. This takes a toll on his! work-li fe balance. The practice of yoga balances the body, mind and spirit and ensures complete well being.

Yoga for Elders: It has been proved beyond doubt that yoga is anti-ageing. It retards the ageing process. No one can escape from the clutches of the ageing process. But it is possible to avoid the ills of ageing with yoga. One can be as fit as a fiddle even at the later years of life by doing yoga. Most elders complain about various physical conditions including weak bones, muscle cramps, back pain, osteoporosis, joint pains, and decreased mobility. There are several yoga exercises specifically designed to address these issues.

Yoga offers a wide range of benefits depending on which point of your life you decide to practice it. There are several variants of yoga postures and exercises intended for different age groups. Every person, irrespective of age, can practice yoga and reap its benefits.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a Yoga enthusiast who loves to spread the goodness of the divine knowledge. In order to promote her passion, she has partnered with Divine Wellness to write blogs on the subject of Yoga poses and how it leads to good health and peace of mind.

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Master Kriya Mudra Yoga pt 6 by Gabriela

Kriya (in Sanskrit "action, deed, effort") - most commonly refers to a "completed action", within a yoga (unity with Oneness). Kriyas are simply part of an amazing and mysterious transformation of consciousness. Kriya is the outward physical manifestations of awakened kundalini. Kriyas are the spontaneous movements resulting from the awakening of Kundalini energy. Kriya sadhana may be thought of as the sadhana of the practice of being in Atman (Atman refers to one's true self beyond identification with phenomena, the non-material self, which never changes. It is distinct from both the mind and the external body. This real self is beyond the temporary designations we normally ascribe to ourselves, in terms of race, gender, species and nationality). Kriya Yoga is to unite with pure Awareness (God). Mudras - a gesture or position, usually of the hands, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to the body and mind as each area of the hand reflexes to a certain part of the mind or body. More:

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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