Spiritual and Demonic Possession: 7 Common Symptoms

Article by Scott Petullo & Stephen Petullo

Are you or someone you know being influencedby lost souls or dark energy?

There's a world-wide epidemic today that most people don't know much about. It's a very common occurrence, yet it's misunderstood and usually overlooked.

It's called spirit possession. "The Exorcist" movie was an exaggeration of the phenomenon,and a depossession by a priest is only oneway to deal with it. It's also known as spiritattachment and demonic possession. It happenswhen lost (disembodied) souls and, or darkenergy interfere with or even take controlof someone.

It often occurs after the abuse of drugs oralcohol (because these substances weakenyour energy field), it can occur duringabuse, and some people who are highlysensitive (e.g., Britney Spears, in ouropinion), are more susceptible to it thanothers. Even a poor diet or high levels ofstress can cause sensitive people to be moreof a target. Those with addictions are almostalways affected by it.

Taking responsibility yourself and your situation can be the beginning of healingand protecting yourself, but it can be more difficult for some to do this due to already existing, potent interference from dark energy. Ironically, even those who want to help themselves can be persuaded, frequently beyond conscious awareness, by dark energy or lost souls to avoid seekinghelp. The will to improve, along witheffective methods, must be present to fullyheal.

Why do lost souls or dark energy feed off of ahost, you might ask? They remain earthboundand attach themselves, energetically, to thosefrom which they can get the fix of alcohol,drugs, nicotine, food, sex, power, revenge,or whatever else they were addicted to beforetheir physical bodies died.

As for dark energy, demons and other negativeinfluences that interfere, their motives can beas simple as an allegiance with an evil force.In our experience, however, and contrary toscary Hollywood movies, most demons aremore like bratty, misbehaving children whoare more easily controlled than you may thi! nk.

< p>By the way, long ago we didn't believe in "evil" or "dark" energy. But since doing a lot of empirical research on the subject and subsequently helping people with Spiritual Detox, we are now convinced that it does exist. There always has been and always will be polar opposites, as a natural part ofyour earthy existence: without darkness therecannot be light, without cold there cannot beheat, without fear there cannot be faith.

For more stubborn entities and dark energies,we offer a more extensive method of askingfor spiritual help through our script (availablein the Direct Your Destiny e-package),Spiritual Detox audio, or private sessions.holisticmakeover.com/SpiritualDetox.htm

The following list includes signs of being influenced by dark energy or lost souls.

1) Do you or someone you know havenegative emotional or physical reactions tothe idea of Spiritual Detox TM (such as "partof you" wanting to do it and "part of you" notwanting to do it)?

2) Do you or someone you know have, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual feelings of being blocked?

3) Do you or someone you know abuse alcohol or drugs? (The use of either allows lost souls or dark energy to influence you far more easily.)

4) Did you or someone you know have a sudden onset of alcohol or drug abuse, or a sudden onset of a desire to smoke cigarettes, overeat, or engagein some other addictive, unhealthy behavior?

5) Do you or someone you know have distinct personality changes while under the influence?

6) Do you or someone you know sense an unexplainable presence in your/their home or office (sometimes referred to as a "ghost")? It's common to sense the presence when falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night.

7) Did you or someone you know have sudden and unexplainable strife and conflict with apartner, family member, or friend?

8) Do you or someone you know have anaddiction to sex, a sudden or unexplainable onsetof sadness, depression, reckless behavior, poormemory and c! oncentra tion, change in personality,feelings of being followed or feeling drained,schizophrenia, physical problems, recurringdreams or nightmares, anger, guilt or anxiety,or hear inner voices (especially with negativemessages)?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's likely you or someone you know is being influenced by "lost souls" and, or dark energy. But do not be afraid.

The subjects of entity attachment and spirit possession may seem frightening, but there's really nothing to fear. It is simply a matter of energy that needs to be firmly directed to the proper place and knowing how to protect yourself.

One way to protect yourself is to avoid drugsand excess alcohol, visualize a white light of protection around you often, and ask for help from God, your guides, or angels of the Light. Simply state your request for help out loud.

Copyright (c) Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

About the Author

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic. http://www.mystictwins.com http://www.holisticmakeover.com

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