Eight Simple Steps for Meditation

Article by Norman Martin

At times most of the people feel stress to keep pace with the advanced world. Tiredness attacks them, makes them unhappy, while their daily tasks remain incomplete. Thus to bring the peace of mind and remain vigorous all over the day, people need meditation. The article deals with the easy steps of

Meditation is the spiritual practise to bring your exhausted mind in discipline. You can learn and exercise a number of facts through meditation to calm and control your mind. You can get the desired success on your respective occupation using meditation. Your thoughts will change and you will feel a positive transformation inside yourself. There are several methods of meditation are available around the globe. But the centre of meditation centres round the peace of mind. Here are some simple instructions over how to meditate. Moreover, you can learn meditation attending on the meditations learning courses, or using meditation CDs available around your nearest stores.



As a first step, you have to get a regular schedule for mediation. Only a regular meditation can bring the desired effects inside you. So make a regular schedule for meditation. You need at least half an hour for a day for meditation. If you cannot manage half an hour at a time, split the schedule. Better start meditating in the early morning for 10 minutes, 10 minutes in the middle of the day and remaining 10 minutes before you sleep.


Secondly, to start meditation, you need a calm and relaxing environment. It may be at your home or at any quite place. You will enter at the core of your mind through mediation. So, make sure the place is relaxing enough and noise free before start meditation.

Sitting Position:

Next, make a comfortable sitting arrangement. You can meditate by sitting on the ground, sitting on a chair or lying on the ground. It is better to sit on a lotus position. If you cannot, there is no problem. Just keep your back straight. If y! ou are o n a chair, place your legs on the ground and hands on your thigh. Or if you lie on ground, make sure there is no soft sheet or element under your back.


Do not think much over your position, or do not move for the proper adjustment of your limbs. Let them stay without any proper alignment (for the first time and later it will be automatically organised). Relax!

Breathe Deeply:

As the next step, close your eyes gently and take deep breathes. Pay proper attention on your breathe. Take a deep breath slowly by your nose, and let them out through your mouth slowly. Make a rhythm of deep breath for next few minutes. Deep breaths will make our mind quite.


Visualisation plays the most important role for meditation. As the next step, you have to visualise a serene place by imagination. Choose the place you always longed for (it may be ocean side village or an island, or whatever you want). Think you are at that place of tranquillity. There is none to disturb you. You are all in all there. Walk through the roads. Listen to the roar of the sea, or visit the adjacent gardens you own there. Bring continuous images of that place and surrounding areas in your mind.


Through all the above mentioned processes, you are clearing your mind from all the anxieties of your life. You are communicating with your subconscious mind. Making your mind relaxed, focus on any specific issues. At this stage you some other thoughts will peep on your mind. Ignore them silently. Bring your focus on the specific fact. Try to get a clear picture of the issue. Imagine the best solution to solve it. You will be amazed when you will see the problem (or whatever it is) has been solved after your will! Moreover, you can add some autosuggestion for your betterment. These autosuggestions are greatly helpful.

Wake Up:

Now you have to wake up from meditation. Count until 10, slowly before you wake up. Open your eyes gently. Move your limbs. Feel the touch of f! resh vig our inside you to battle with the present.

These are the simple steps of meditation. The methods may vary after regions, but I tried to focus on the centre ideas of meditation for your convenience.

About the Author

Norman Martin is a skilled author of different issues like DIY tips, Foods & Recipes, Music and Entertainment, Fashion & Clothing, Web Technology and much more. He recommends meditations learning from CDs and prefers http://www.beenchanted.com.au/ for top class meditation CDs.

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