Mhamed Biygautane Explains Public Policy’s Contribution Towards Frictional Unemployment Reduction

Article by Sandeep

The aim of various public policies has been focused on the reduction of unemployment rate by reducing the frictional unemployment. The government employment agencies that operate provide information regarding the job vacancies so that the right person is selected for the right job. The publicly funded retraining programs aim to increase the transition of employees from the declining industries towards the growing industries. The success of these programs reduces the unemployment rate to a considerable extent. There are certain programs which increases frictional unemployment. The most common of these is unemployment insurance. This program basically holds that the unemployed workers can collect a part of their wages for a specific period of time and that also after losing their jobs. This program is different from year to year and also from state to state but in the United States of America, a worker with unemployment insurance can receive about 50 percent of the wages for around 26 weeks.

In several European countries, the unemployment insurance programs are very significant. They reduce the economic hardship associated with unemployment and considerably increase frictional unemployment and thus increase the natural rate. The unemployed people who get the benefits of such programs are less stressed to search for new jobs and therefore may reject some undesirable job offers. The workers do not seek jobs with stable prospects as they are aware of the fact that their incomes are protected partially by the unemployment insurance. They do not bargain for job security guarantees which increase the job separation rate. The program of unemployment seeks to provide workers with income security. The program selects the right job for the right person as the unattractive jobs are turned down by workers. The different systems of unemployment are difficult to evaluate for their costs and benefits. Many researches still continue to be a part of the process.

Many reforms are proposed to be initiated ! by econo mists so as to reduce the rate of unemployment. One such initiation is that the firm that lays off an employee should bear the entire cost of providing the worker with unemployment benefits. This is termed as 100 percent experience rated. The reason behind this is that each firm is required to pay towards the unemployment insurance program which reflects the experience of unemployment of its workers. There are certain partially experience rated programs. Here the firm which lays off its workers has to pay for a part of the benefits which an employ deserves to get under the insurance program. The remaining part is derived from the general revenue of the program. Owing to a partial liability to pay for the cost, the firm can lay off workers in situations of low labor demand.

About the Author

Mhamed Biygautane is a Research Associate at the Dubai School of Government. Mhamed Biygautane has completed a Master of Public Policy and Management (Distinction) from the Graduate School of Business and Economics at Monash University, Melbourne Australia.

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