
Showing posts from February, 2012

A Good Kind Temper

from Jade Mountains - Practice Within the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives by Rev. Mugo Origami brooch made on Sunday Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens Temper - calm disposition or state of mind, mood or humour: a good temper. The photograph has nothing to do with the quote. I just wanted to show something to rest your eyes on. What Is Truth? Ajahn Brahm talks about truth Video Rating: 4 / 5

Taking a More Holistic Approach to Global Health Education

by Kyry Kyry Island In the early 1900s, a course of study at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine might have meant traveling to a hut in Italy for several months to study the causes of malaria. Or it might have included sailing to the West Indies to help a team of researchers investigate something called filariasis, a pathogen that seemed to be spread by mosquitoes. It could even have meant heading to Africa to help combat outbreaks of bubonic plague or dysentery. “The colonial legacy gave rise to schools of tropical medicine,” explained Dr. Peter Piot, who has been the director of the school since 2010. “Belgium, Germany, France, Portugal — all colonial powers had them.” Such schools’ main purpose, according to Dr. Piot, was to study sicknesses endemic to overseas territories before the diseases reached the European countries’ shores, usually carried by sailors returning home. Today, medical academics say that in an interconnected world, the study of such illnesses has

Starting on the Journey to Spirituality

by AlicePopkorn Article by Elizabeth Dabrowski I believe it is worth mentioning that this article is not based on any academic studies. It's the essence of my own and other people's I have met continuing journey towards better understanding of our existence, improving and taking control of our lives. My main intention is to reach those who can benefit by reading its content, who can identify their own struggles with mine and take some comfort from my experiences.I am planning to keep writing on this subject, again sharing thoughts and conclusions based on my own observations and my own life. The Introduction to spirituality happens in many ways and usually enters our lives when we become very dissatisfied with answers our belief system provides. Without even realizing on conscious level we start searching for something new and different by asking questions and not receiving satisfying solutions. Depending on your background you m

Buddhism the easy way

It is much easier to know what the Buddha did not teach than what he taught.  For example, any materialistic interpretation of Buddhism can be rejected.  It simply lacks credibility since it can't deal with nirvana which is transcendent and deathless according to the Stress Reduction canon.  Only beginners get hooked on a materialistic interpretation of Buddhism because they have not read what the Buddha actually taught.   On this same score, it is fairly easy  to show that the Buddha did not deny the self which in Pali is natthattâ (this can been seen in the Ananda Sutta at S. iv. 400 ).  To deny the self is nihilism. Nihilism is antithetical to Buddhism.  There is no dispute.  It is also fairly easy to show that the Buddha did not teach the self to be any of the Five Aggregates or a phenomenon.  It is also easy to show that the Buddha did not spend much time showering his wisdom on the non-stream entered who are called puthujjana .  The Buddha was certainly not into self-

The Most Overlooked Secret to Dealing with Life’s Problems

How often have you been living life, happy and content, and then suddenly life slaps you in the face with something unexpected? We all have problems, and the truth of the matter is that problems will never go away. They will just change form. One time you may be struggling with health, the next with money, and still the next with relationships. That is both the curse and blessing of life. However, you don't have to suffer because everything isn't perfect in your life. Behind the Scenes of Problems Nothing becomes a problem until you label it so. You've probably noticed that different people have different opinions of what problems are, and how much attention should be given to any one thing. This means that problems exist in our heads, and that we create them, define them, and fear them. I, for example, am great at worrying about problems that do not even exist, and I'm sure you're no different. But that doesn't change the fact that problems are made-up. T

How to Have An Instantaneous Spiritual Awakening

by arianacosmos Article by Kip Mazuy It is possible to have an instantaneous spiritual awakening. And the process is quite simple. If you do the following exercise with your complete attention, you can have an instantaneous spiritual awakening that can move you beyond the experience of body and mind identification to the experience of the Self. You will experience yourself as formless, conscious energy. The first thing to understand is that you cannot realize the Self through the senses.You cannot taste the Self, see the Self, hear the Self, smell the Self and you cannot touch the Self.Consider this: You have your eyes open. You see and then label what you see.You think 'This is my body. This is my computer. I am using my hands to type on the computer.' And so your mind immediately labels everything you see and you automatically assume that these labels are true. You see your hands; you call them your hands. And they appear very

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/26/2012

"If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace." ~Thich Nhat Hanh Read More @ Source

How To Read Minds

by RubyJi Article by Greg Frost Many people find the act of reading minds quite daunting; most of these individual give different sentiments when asked what they think about individuals who possess such talents. Any individual can gain the ability of how to read minds this is not an act for special people or for people who may have access to the spiritual world as many may explain the phenomenon. Reading minds is influenced by laws of attractions which are ever present with us; laws of attraction determine who we are, what we are and even the future we expect to have. The subject on universal laws of attraction a thorny issue among people today; however individual who take sides to downplay effects of laws of attraction ignore the fact that this force influences each and every individual be it a child or an adult. Every individual's personality and lifestyle is determined by issues they've had to go through in different stages of t

Study Shows Source of Stress Differ by Gender

by familymwr ABC of Meditation Polaris Marketing Research Inc. announced today additional findings from their latest survey of online Americans, supported by Research Now for data collection and analysis: Women and men respondents report different sources of stress and different ways of dealing with their stress. Women respondents were significantly more likely to report financial issues, lack of time, family problems, living situation and relationship issues as causing them stress. Men respondents, on the other hand were more likely to say that work issues were causing their stress. Men were also more likely to say they had "no main source of stress.” For both women and men, watching television is the most frequently cited activity for relieving stress. Seventy percent of women and 64 percent of men say they are "very likely” or "likely” to watch television to relieve stress. "While women have more stressors in their lives, they also use more diverse ways of relie

Why It Is Important To Understand The Science Of Mind Before Affecting Any Self Development Act

by littlenelly (rare but there) Article by Greg Frost Understanding the functions of the brain is quite important to any individual who may be interested in achieving any success in life. Understanding how the mind and brain works aids an individual influence issues that are beneficial to the mind to help it think in a rationale way. It is very important for individuals who may be interested in attaining any kind of success to seek information on science of mind. Such information is readily available in a number of sources in the internet, however it is always recommended for individuals to get such information from good reputable sites which are known to display good unbiased information on how individual can influence their minds in attaining success they desire in their lives. There are quite a number of individual who've made teaching individuals how to attain success through affecting mind power their life goals. Any successful in

Beginner Meditation Made Easy with Simple Techniques

by miheco Article by Jonsonmak It is pretty difficult for the meditation beginners to find the most suitable meditation technique for them. The beginner meditation technique must be chosen according to one's personal goals, time schedule and life style. It is a common belief that certain postures of sitting, difficult hand movements and chanting are a must while meditating. But the best result can be ensured without following these much touted methods as depicted in popular media.I am not saying that meditating in a Buddhist temple or practicing restrained breathing with the monks or chanting "Om" is not good for the beginners. You may listen to long droning of a long-bearded person with rapt attention. Sea of wisdom may enrich your knowledge. But will this pedantry cater to your practical needs? That is why it is very important to chose the right beginner meditation technique that easily fits your daily routine.Often the beg

Effective Methods Used To Reprogram The Subconscious Mind

by ConnectIrmeli Article by Greg Frost Subconscious mind is an integral part of the complete human being, the subconscious control almost 90 percent of an individual personality. What you think or envision is a general factor of the subconscious mind. For most people this may not be as positive as it should, this because due to some events in the individual's life negative thought patterns might have developed. The subconscious mind learns and adapts to external happenings around an individual life's setting. However, means and ways to induct positive messages into the subconscious mind are available through certain brain communication techniques. The main aim this technique uses is to induce prearranged messages into the subconscious mind causing it to initiate a learning process which is effective in affecting a desired lifestyle. Some of the ways used to reprogram the mind utilizes messages that are important in forming desire

Forget Managing Stress: Reduce and Eliminate It

by Daneel Ariantho Article by Amanda Goldsmith For your enjoyment, we offer the following assortment of Stress Reduction Techniques: * Breaks: Take a break. step away from whatever it is you're doing. All it takes is just a few moments away from a stressful situation for you to regenerate and replenish yourself. A brief time-out will help dissipate heated emotions, clear your mind, calm your body, and prepare you to handle whatever you're about to go back into with all your resources mustered. * Physical Activity - A wide assortment of activities exist that effectively reduce and eliminate stress: meditation, massage, hypnosis, prayer, walking and hiking, Yoga, Tai-Chi, weightlifting, running and jogging, playing sports, reading. * Humor - Laughter truly is the best medicine. Even a little smile takes a load off. Watch a funny movie or TV show. Tell a joke. Recall something funny that happened to you or someone you know once. * T

Yoga DVDs 101 - Spirituality While Your Getting Fit

by AlicePopkorn Article by Joshua Killingsworth The sheer availability of yoga DVDs says something to the popularity of the practice. Because yoga is part of a larger Hindu tradition whose goal is spiritual enlightenment through use of the body and the breath, the original yogis never had firming their things, building muscles, or getting six-pack abdomens in mind when they developed the practice. Yet because the industry of fitness videos often gears itself toward a weight- and muscle- conscious demographic, we see yoga DVDs advertised accordingly. Thankfully, most instructors in the DVDs do get at the spiritual components of the practice, even though the yoga media market does not reflect the full breadth of lineages. We see four main kinds of yoga represented in instructional DVDs: Vinyasa Yoga, Power Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Prenatal Yoga. Vinyasa, Power, Kundalini, and Prenatal Yoga fall under the umbrella of Hatha Yoga, which is r

How To Achieve Power To The Subconscious Mind

by tonyhall Article by Greg Frost True success comes from brain through power to the subconscious mind; most people may debate this fact but then the truth still remains the mind plays an integral part in an individual lifestyles. People who dispute this may reason that fate is the only true explanation of success; on the other hand People who believe in the power of the mind and influences of mind therapies believe that one has the power to choose their destiny. Well, each side has strong points to argue about their belief and stance, however more logic and reason falls in favor of the people who believe the power of the subconscious mind. Many people who've ever engaged the power of the mind attest its effects in manifesting desired results. Positive affirmations are the basis of creating a strong subconscious mind. Anyone new to mind alternating activities should first and foremost seek information which relates to the specific th

Learn Mind Control To Achieve Great Personal Success

by RubyJi Article by Greg Frost The human mind is unique and most diversified form of multiple mechanisms also performs a multitasking ability to control. It takes a lot more abilities to perform all these functions and mind gets hanged with respect to time. Like physical labor, mental labor is also very tiring and tough. A person must learn mind control techniques for the relaxation of mind. Working day and mind perform different operation every part of the hour during the day and night it helps to control the vital activities of the body. Commanding is its essential functions, according to which all the statistics of the mind are controlled. There are many different programming techniques which help in controlling the activities of mind. Psychological experts and doctors advise some very useful brainwave technology techniques which helps in perfect adaptation of the surroundings. Generating confidence level helps to control the mind

Together With - Sangha

from Jade Mountains - Practice Within the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives by Rev. Mugo This last weekend has been full of collective activity and I've loved it. Saturday seven of us hiked together and on Sunday four of us hiked up to the Nine Standards Rigg. Something I'd wanted to do for a long time. Thankfully the weather held for most of the way just closing in as we reached the magnificent line of cairns. Companions rest and take in the view before entering mist where stand the mysterious Nine Standards Rigg . Then later.... we made flowers like these... ...Kanzashi, Japanese Folded Fabric Flowers. Our instructor inspiring us with her enthusiasm. The bunch of flowers was a gift which I treasure. Thanks to all who joined in this weekend. Both those who were physically there and those who were in contact via text from London and the North East. And our friend from Manchester who nearly joined us. Next time perhaps.

Spiritual Healing -- What Eventually Becomes A Physical Condition Stems From Mental And Emotional Problems.

by AlicePopkorn Article by Michael Hills Spiritual Healing involves, at the most basic level, a willingness to be healed in the first place. Do you have to accept any concept of a God, or source of creation, or life energy, which is beyond human comprehension? No. Do we need to have a relationship with what some people call God? No, because whether we are conscious of a spiritual relationship or not, we automatically are connected to a higher design. Thus, spiritual healing works for all of us no matter what. Normally, spiritual healing is a process where energy is transmitted to the person who needs it. The treatment does not just work on the soul, but on body, mind and spirit, as all things are holistic, and are considered one unit. For good health this unit must be harmonized. Most health problems are Spiritual in nature. These issues stem from mental and emotional problems, which eventually become physical conditions.So what is spiri

The Disappearance of Buddhism From India

by vivevans Article by Arjanyai In India, the Pala line was brought to an end in B.E. 1638 (1095 C.E.) by the anti-Buddhist Senas from the south. The Senas were Vaishnฺavite. They revived the orthodox Vaishnฺavism and supported the Tantric universities as institutions of learning and culture. The Sena kingdom of Bengal was short-lived; in B.E. 1742 (1199 C.E.) it was conquered by the Muslim Turks and Afghans. The fanatic invaders destroyed not only their political and military enemies, but all people and institutions of other faiths. Buddhist monks were mistaken as idolaters and cruelly murdered. All the shrines, monasteries, universities and schools were burnt and destroyed. At Nalanda the burning of the library continued for several months. Following are some passages from the book Tavakata recorded by the Muslim historian Minhazad:"In the middle of the city there was a temple larger and firmer than the rest, which can be neither de

Lose Weight Reducing Your Stress Level

by aurélien. Article by Tia Peterson Although the rise of over-the-counter stress-relieving supplements are supposed to help you lose weight, none of that has been proven yet. What DOES work is natural stress reduction, because the following activities are dual-purpose: they naturally relieve stress and work the body at the same time. Emotional eating and over-eating have both been linked to high stress-levels, so it's crucial that you find ways to keep yourself from being stressed out, especially during this weight loss journey. When you're losing weight, you should be happy! As your body sheds excess weight, start to feel motivated and relieve some of the outside pressures you're facing (and possibly get that monkey off your back once and for all). Here are some easy, stress-reducing activities that will help you lose weight, also. (1) Wake up early and take a walk. It's summertime! Even if you live in a hot climate lik

Spirit Voyage invites you to take a spiritual journey with Kundalini Yoga

by AlicePopkorn Article by Karan Khalsa Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning "coil". Kundalini is the dormant life force that lies at the base of the spine in the Muladhara chakra. The Chakras in the human body are in shape of multicolored lotus petals or spoke wheels. The chakras whirl at various speeds and thus process the energy within the body. The chakras are connected to each other and throughout the body through the subtle channels called Naadis. When the Kundalini energy is awakened, it moves upward, piercing these chakras. There are seven major chakras in a human body and they are Muladhar Chakra, Swadhishtthan Chakra, Manipur Chakra, Anahat Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, Aagya Chakra and Sahastrar Chakra. With the practice of the Kundalini Yoga, the life force (Prana) moves through these subtle channels of the body (Naadis) and reaches the center in the brain in the Sahastrar Chakra or Crown Chakra. Kundalini Yoga is a pat


by Donatas Grinius Article by Marc Platters Meditation offers a balance between understanding and transforming personal issues and awakening to universal truths. To meditate is to engulf ourselves towards the path of pure awareness. Meditation is also known to be asone of the proven alternative therapies.Hence meditation should be carried on everywhere and anywhere in so that you can live most of your time in a meditation retreat without disturbing your routine.You can incorporate the technique of meditation retreatat any hour of the day while carrying out your day-to-day activities, without restricting yourself to certain hour or place. Meditation being an inner activity can be enjoyed at any circumstance and one can be in a meditative state of mind for long. It is purely another way to grow spiritually and mentally.After the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and overwhelmed. Do you often feel like not ju