Effective Stress Relief

Article by Robin Skeen

Everyone has stress. It is when you let it overwhelm you that it can cause health problems. Sometimes you really don't know what to do when it seems everything is falling on you and there is no solution in sight. Here are just a few things that may be helpful in dealing with stress in a healthy manner that will be effective in reducing the strain.

1) Do not keep things bottled up inside. Find someone to talk with when the stress is getting to you. Friends, family, clergy, even a support group. Keeping things inside only causes more stress to your body and your mind.

2) You have probably heard it before, but it needs repeating. Exercise is an excellent way to relief stress. If you cannot work out, just take a walk a couple of times a week. Exercise does induce calm and relieve tension. Yoga would be a great new way to help get started and to improve your focus.

3) Listen to beautiful music. Perhaps you like heavy metal music. That is not exactly a calming experience. Try those nature sound tracks. Listen to a thunder storm on the stereo.

4) Eating right is also an important part of stress reduction. Always eat breakfast, but avoid stimulants like sugar and caffeine.

5) Get enough sleep. Feeling rested when you get up in the morning can set the tone for your entire day.

Stress can be a challenge. You get pulled this way and that on a daily basis trying to make everyone happy. You are a kind and generous person and others will take advantage of that. Consider this: if you do not take care of yourself, you have nothing left to give to anyone else. If your family loses you for any length of time because you made yourself sick with stress and worry, how will you handle that added stress? It is perfectly okay to give yourself a break and do something just for you. It is not selfish to take care of yourself first. Let the family take care of things for a day. They are probably more capable than you realize. Everyone needs some alone time and it is as important! for you as it is for others. Cruise the shopping mall for a day, or whatever else you find pleasurable that will recharge you. Don't let yourself run out of energy.

Learning to laugh more can rid you of an enormous amount of stress. When is the last time you laughed so hard you had tears running down your face? If you cannot recall, then it has been way longer than it should have been. Remember the old saying, laughter is the best medicine. Old sayings get to be old sayings because they have the ring of truth most of the time, and especially in this case. Take it all in stride and remember to laugh along the way. If there is something you left undone, the world will not come to an end.

Stress can shorten your life and life is already too short. Your health and state of mind are the most important blessings you have. Remember, no one can take advantage of you without your permission.

About the Author

Robin Skeenwww.robinskeen.com

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more, visit today at http://www.robinskeen.com and check back on a regular basis for free reports and eBooks.


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