Stress-Relief: Taking Steps to Managing Stress

Article by Cherisa Chapa

"My stress was so bad that I couldn't really eat any more without getting sick," states one stress sufferer. "The doctor said that I had to reduce the stress in my life. But really how do you do that?"

Truly managing stress - and the resulting burnout - is a complex dilemma. Although we are discussing stress, and relief techniques that may assist in aiding in stress-reduction in this article, this should not be interpreted as diagnosis, prescription or any other service or procedure which requires a medical license or degree. If you have health concerns, you should consult with your doctor or other medical professional.

With that being said, what if you find yourself without energy, increasingly ill (seemingly catching everything that is going around), recurrently depressed (not to be mistaken as clinically depressed), pessimistic, and/or often absent or unusually unproductive; you are possibility nearing a burnout. Taking "time out" for yourself may be a struggle but it is well worth the effort if you are able to ward off any major illnesses that could begin to break down your body's systems. How do you take a "time-out" for yourself?

That could depend upon what interests, beliefs, and activities that intrigue you. It also depends upon how much time you have available. Many professionals recommend that you should exercise, monitor your diet, mediate, and/or engage in a hobby. Others find that investing in therapeutic massage and/or spa treatments are well worth the effort and cost. Perhaps any combination will work for you.

Noting that stress affects the natural "fight or flight" response system of our bodies, concentration on calming this response system is generally effective whether it is in a physical, emotional, or "spiritual" (meaning overall wellness) sense. Thus this increased epidemic leads us to the increased popularity of therapeutic massage and spa treatments that addresses the mind, body, and spirit.

Why do many gravitate towards this type of approach i! n managi ng their stress-levels? Simply because therapeutic massage (and many spa treatments) increases blood circulation and reduces blood pressure, improves lymphatic circulation and decreases susceptibility to illness, promotes deeper, easier breathing resulting in calmer breathing, creating a sense of nurturing, and an elevated sense of emotional self awareness.

If you have never had a therapeutic massage or spa treatment, receiving one may be intimidating, but it may be the step you need to relieve your stress and take that much needed time out for yourself.

(Author's Note: If you are interested in more stress-relief tips and techniques, or want more information about how to prepare and receive your therapeutic massage, check out my other articles posted here!)

About the Author

Cherisa Chapa, LMT is the owner of Nature's Paradise Spa where you can learn more about relaxation techniques, massage therapy services, spa treatments and pampering products that you can use at home. - Finally Pampering Just for YOU!

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