Ah, the wrath that awaits us at death--Satsangi Revenge 101!

Here's David Lane's great response to some highly judgmental (and theologically questionable) rants by a Sant Mat follower on a recent blog post.

I say "theologically questionable" because Sant Mat teachings, Radha Soami Satsang Beas variety, at least, say that every disciple/initiate, wayward or not, will return to God within four lifetimes under the guidance of the perfect living guru, a.k.a. "God in human form."

So I'm saved! Doubly saved, since I was baptized Catholic. Doesn't that get me entry to purgatory, at minimum? (I'm vague about the details of Catholic dogma; never got confirmed, thank God.)

David writes on the Yahoo Radha Soami Studies discussion group that he administers:

Recently over on Brian Hines' blog (the church of the churchless):

A poster, who I assume is a satsangi (given the content), is miffed at Brian (and me) for his various critiques of Radhasoami, etc.

What I found both intriguing and amusing was this particular rejoinder by the poster who goes by the name of Cam,

"As far as this blog owner and David lane, at least they will live out the rest of their lives somewhat satisfied because their egos got stroked. But come the day of their deaths they are going to be very unhappy campers (and that is an understatement) as the Masters have also clearly described what awaits those who take vows before God and then not only dishonor them, but mock Him besides (and that is exactly what they both have done - extensively)."

So, in an inverse of Bill Murray's classic take on what the Dalai Lama was going to give him [full consciousness at death] for being his caddy (see Caddyshack), apparently Brian and I will being given the wrath of god treatment since the infinite being just doesn't like bloggers who mock......

And as Bill would say, "I got that going for me.... which is nice."

Of course, Cam's rhetoric reminds me of what one priest once told me when I had doubts about Catholicism.

Different religions, same curses.

With kudos to Hines for publishing Cam's invective.

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