Discovering Life On Gay Spirituality Vacations

Article by Howie Holben

Gay tourists go on vacation for an array of purposes, including the chance to see new things, meet interesting people, learn about different cultures, get away from everyday stressors for a short time, or make new memories with special people in their lives. Every trip has a purpose, even if the reason is just to get away and lounge on the beach without worrying about the everyday cares and worries back home.

Gay spiritual vacations are one example of purposeful travel that goes beyond the common quest to relax and rejuvenate and is undertaken with a specific awareness and intention. Whereas most travelers go on vacation with the goal to get away from it all, voyagers on a gay spirituality vacation embark on their journey with the intention to arrive in their special, chosen destination and to connect with the land, the people and the energy of that region.

Spiritual travel opportunities include solo conscious travel, couple's retreats that allow you to reconnect and grow individually and together, and spiritual journeys taken with a group of like-minded seekers arranged by professional groups that organize travel to many spiritual destinations around the globe, such as Egypt, Thailand, New Zealand, India, Peru, the American Southwest and Mexico.

Individual pilgrimages are one option for spiritual vacations, but there are several benefits that come with choosing professionally organized conscious travel with a group of fellow seekers who can significantly influence the positive experience and spiritual growth you achieve during your joint journey. Professional companies that provide opportunities for spiritual travel have the information and experience needed to create powerful, meaningful personal voyages that will result in remarkable experiences that stay with the participants for the remainder of their lives.

Conscious travel tours visit sacred sites, provide organized group activities and manage logistical aspects of the trip to allow you to focus on your personal jou! rney and growth. Professional tour groups also have ongoing relationships with locals in each destination, which provides participants with opportunities to see and experience things that are unavailable to solo travelers on conventional vacations.

Seekers who opt for gay spiritual travel with a group are gifted with the chance to connect with fellow travelers of a like mind who are also on a journey with the intention of experiencing spiritual awakening and renewal, or reconnection and centering. Traveling with a group gives participants the unique opportunity to learn from the experiences or others, share in group activities, discuss occurrences during this particular voyage, share their stories with others and form lasting bonds with new friends.

Anyone seeking a truly meaningful journey with a focus on partaking in a unique travel experience with the intention of spiritual centering and personal growth should consider undertaking spiritual travel as they begin to consider options for their next vacation. Partaking in a spiritual journey is the pinnacle of self care and allows you to take the opportunity to refocus on the people and things that are important in your life, reset your priorities and return home centered and refreshed.

Treat yourself to the opportunity to partake in a personal voyage focused on reflecting on your past experiences, learning to live in the moment and discovering ways to nourish your soul for a centered spiritual life. Participating in intentional travel is a fulfilling experience that can change your life and allows you to return home with the tools and intention of living every day centered, focused and aware.

About the Author

Proposals for a gay spirituality vacation from Howie Holben. He and Spirit Journeys have put together gay travel trips and they also have a gay yoga retreat for men.

The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies MI...528 Hz II.

Solfeggio frequency: Liberation of fear What Are The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies? Please Use a Head phone it is a long belief that sound can heal or put you into certain states of mind by sound and meditaion the sound wave the vibrations can have effects on the celular level. focus and look at the center. you have to be open minded to it. and meditation itself is not something you can learn over night, so please do not leave mean dumb comments unless you have yourself have had learned this from a true teacher. These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I give honor to both of these gentleman for the part theyve played in helping return these lost frequencies back to humanity. The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include: UT 396 Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear RE 417 Hz Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change MI 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) FA 639 Hz Connecting/Relationships SOL 741 Hz Awakening Intuition LA 852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Order Google Vic ...

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