Article by Marc Platters

Meditation offers a balance between understanding and transforming personal issues and awakening to universal truths. To meditate is to engulf ourselves towards the path of pure awareness. Meditation is also known to be asone of the proven alternative therapies.Hence meditation should be carried on everywhere and anywhere in so that you can live most of your time in a meditation retreat without disturbing your routine.You can incorporate the technique of meditation retreatat any hour of the day while carrying out your day-to-day activities, without restricting yourself to certain hour or place. Meditation being an inner activity can be enjoyed at any circumstance and one can be in a meditative state of mind for long. It is purely another way to grow spiritually and mentally.After the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and overwhelmed. Do you often feel like not just the time during the day to do everything. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It can also affect human health. We are often so busy that I do not think that the time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives more time making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minutes meditating on the breath, as the following can help overcome stress and find inner peace and balance.Meditation can also help us understand our own mind. We can learn to transform our mind from negative to positive peace, abnormal and unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of transforming meditation in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy all day, not only while sitting in meditation.On this site you can learn the basics of Buddhist meditation. Some books are listed to help deepen your understanding if you want to explore more. Everyone can benefit from meditation given here, Buddhist or not. We hope you find this site useful and learn to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from med! itation. To meditate while engaged in other activities you need to be trained in meditation and must be a daily practitioner. Meditation initially requires a quiet place inorder to gain the art of practicing it everywhere. Always practice in the space that has already been used for meditation as it has a high energy level . It also helps you to enter the state of meditation easily.Inmeditation retreat it is preferable that you do not draw any undue attention as it may hinder your process. While meditating it is important that you pay attention only to your consciousness and awareness inorder to experience the feeling and sensation of being alive, existing and uplifted. Ignore the thoughts of your mind and learn to be aware of what lies beyond them. Initially it may be difficult but a few moments are even enough.This kind of meditation is independent of the mind and body, which is why it does not interfere with any other activities. It creates a process of self-awareness that keeps you uplifted by accompanying you and becomes an integral part of your conscious hours.

About the Author

Marc Platters is expert in providing information related to Yoga Retreats and would guide in getting professional yoga teacher training.

Yoga and Meditation Wrong?

I discuss a conversation on Facebook and an article about Yoga written from the Christian perspective. Geez, are Christians allowed to do anything? Yoga Exercises and the Christian:

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