Together With - Sangha

from Jade Mountains - Practice Within the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives

This last weekend has been full of collective activity and I've loved it. Saturday seven of us hiked together and on Sunday four of us hiked up to the Nine Standards Rigg. Something I'd wanted to do for a long time. Thankfully the weather held for most of the way just closing in as we reached the magnificent line of cairns.

Companions rest and take in the viewThe_Nine_Standards_and_friends.jpg
before entering mist where stand the mysterious Nine Standards Rigg.
Then later....
we made flowers like these...

...Kanzashi, Japanese Folded Fabric Flowers. Our instructor inspiring us with her enthusiasm. The bunch of flowers was a gift which I treasure.

Thanks to all who joined in this weekend. Both those who were physically there and those who were in contact via text from London and the North East. And our friend from Manchester who nearly joined us. Next time perhaps.


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