It's Time For Green Spirituality

Article by Timothy Thompson

A characteristic of the modern age is that even though we know we are connected to the big wide world at large, we usually live our lives in our own private little mental ecology with little thought to that big world out there. Our little internal world seems big enough - or is it that the outer world is just spooky enough that we cannot understand the concept of it all?

When it comes right down to it, it is a bit scary and overwhelming. At least inside our own heads, we can attend to things and not give it a second thought regarding the hows, the whys, the whens, or the wheres. It is all inside our head! Yes, the entire world contained within the space between one ear and the other.

How safe! What a relief! Nothing else to consider but what information gets picked up by the senses and remains intact on its journey through our mental filters and conditioning. On both personal and cultural levels, this process resembles a factory of sorts: raw materials in and tidy, uniform products out. The products are destined for use in largely predefined and predicatable ways.

The modern collective mind is stuck in the worldview of the industrial revolution. It's really not how the mind itself and human culture were meant to be. It needs to be changed and the change needs to happen universally - the sooner the better. Yes, believe it or not, humanity really is destined for greatness in ways that we are only beginning to imagine and bring into being. How do we begin?

It starts with an ecology check on a basic personal level. Put your gardening hat on and ask yourself the following questions:

* Where do you get your physical food - you know, the stuff you consume to nourish your body?

* Are you involved personally in the watering, feeding, and sheltering of the food you eat?

* Do you prepare this food yourself - do you clean, cook, and plate up your food in appealing ways prior to consuming it?

* When you consume your food, do you appreciate it - do you take note ! of its t exture, aroma, taste, temperature, and other qualities that engage your senses?

If you are disengaged in any way with what you feed your body, you are still living in the old way, the way of mass consumption with little or no personal consequences. You do not need to directly care for, prepare, or cook your own food to be aware. You simply need to be aware. It is in that awareness - and awareness always brings deep appreciation to the table - that your consciousness blossoms into its full potential. Awareness is the field of your creations. Water it with love and fertilize it with what it needs to be healthy. Appreciate the amazing bounty of its creations.

Next, do an ecology check of the mind. As you examine the garden of your life, get in the habit of checking things out. Ask yourself these questions:

* Do your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and values nurture yourself and those around you?

* Does your mental ecosystem promote your goals and dreams?

* How does your environment reflect your state of mind - is it messy and disorganized, comfortable and serene, open and friendly?

* Are your relations with others balanced and warm or problematic and cool?

If your mental ecology is not what you desire, dream about, or perceive, you need to get your rows in order and think about what seeds you need to plant to have the garden you desire. The amazing thing about working with your own state of mind is that once positive steps are taken in any direction, the weeds of your consciousness wither and die. Nurturing oneself and others is natural. Simplicity and organization are natural. Balance and openness are natural. You are perfect just as you are. You can become even more miraculous if you give your mind a chance to grow into the full outer expression of its innately balanced inner beauty.

Understand that everything is spirit. Get over it. Accept the fact that you are a multi-dimensional being existing both in time and space and beyond them. Your conscious mind is ! amazing but limited when compared to the subconscious. Your superconscious is most amazing of all, being limitless, eternal, and sacredly connected to all of that sublime somethingness that makes up the cosmos.

You do not need to believe in God or follow a particular philosophy or religion. The cosmos works just the same, no matter what you believe. But what you believe determines what you experience in this creation. Grow and nurture these flowers of belief well.

What does this mean, exactly? It means that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Never forget that simple fact. It means that, to the extent that you practice good husbandry within your own personal ecosystem, you carry that wholesomeness into the world at large. Nurture the body, mind, and spirit and you bestow these blessings upon the world itself. Love yourself and everyone loves you. Appreciate the miraculous and miracles happen all around you everyday. Live your life this way and life itself will be your constant companion.

Green spirituality is a way of practicing sustainability with yourself and the world in general. At this point in time, we all understand that the planet is in crisis - this despite the publicly professed opinions of a few diehards who have vested interests in asserting that it is not. Our planetary garden, so willing to become our Eden, is too dry, too wet, too hot, too cold, too stressed, too under-appreciated. Human lifestyles, especially in the West, still lend more credence to the idea that humanity is the demanding master of Mother Nature rather than her loving partner and steward. All of the earth suffers because of this attitude. It's time for a change.

Pay attention! Get back in tune with yourself and the planet in general. Tend your garden with conscious awareness and joy. When you find something that grows amazingly well, proclaim it to your friends and neighbors and encourage them to do the same. Learn to celebrate life rather than ignore it. If you're overworked, take some ti! me off t o enjoy your family. If you need more money, think about what others lack that you have the skills and talents to supply. If you suffer from ill health or physical limitation, care for someone or something that needs but a good diet and a little love to express its vibrant well being.

It's time to green the machine of our post-industrial way of life. Green spirituality is natural, wholesome, cooperative, and efficient. Are you ready to plant some seeds?

About the Author

Timothy Thompson is a professional freelance writer/editor whose work with Dream Manifesto helps illuminate life for online and offline audiences around the world. He currently makes his home in southern California and is working on several content writing and editing projects. Visit Thompson InkWorks for information.

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