Video: “Running With the Mind of Meditation”

from Shambhala SunSpace

Sakyong Mipham — head of Shambhala, the international network of Buddhist meditation centers, and Shambhala Sun magazine columnist — has a new book, one that’s perhaps more personal than we often see from Buddhist teachers. It’s called Running With the Mind of Meditation: Lessons for Training Body and Mind, and what makes it so personal is that Sakyong Mipham is himself a runner — a marathoner, in fact — who gets out there not just for his body and mind, but to help bring awareness to important causes, like the ongoing struggles of Tibet. Here’s the book’s trailer:


Above all, though, this book is his informed take on how to integrate mindfulness and motion; you won’t have to be a runner to apply his teachings in your life.

Want to know more? Visit the book’s website, or look for Sakyong Mipham’s article “Running Into Meditation” in the May 2012 Shambhala Sun magazine — on newsstands in two weeks or so.


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