Power Of Subconscious Mind Throughout History

Article by Riki Duport

The mind is the most powerful force in creation and you should not underestimate the power of your own subconscious mind. Remember that no matter what a person says or does all action originates in the mind. In some instances, the actions of the mind are manifested on a conscious level.

Taking an example from daily life, think of your TV watching times and try to remember what happens when you want to change the channel. The thought comes to your mind first and then you go ahead to change the channel. But many a times it so happens that you just pick up the remote and change the channel without even thinking. What do you think happens in these times? Simple - your thought was a subconscious one.

Chances are that you came across something on TV that subconsciously triggered your action. You might have seen a commercial for a product which you didn't like particularly and thereby subconsciously thought of changing the channel. Can you now imagine what kind of impact your subconscious has on your outward behaviour and actions?

Do you now understand why training your own subconscious is the best way forward? It makes it possible for you to improve the quality of your life beyond anything you ever imagined.

Harnessing the power of one's subconscious results in his discovery of his own true potential and development of it thereof.

Far too often we are told about the 'evils and dangers' that lurk in the subconscious. While there is certain value in understanding the dark side of human psychology, only looking at the negative comes with many unfortunate consequences.

Hence, you must always look at the positive aspects of harnessing the abundant power of your own subconscious mind. If you are thinking this to be an extremely complicated process, then sit back and relax because it is not so difficult at all.

Some steps and a few simple processes are all it takes to guide your subconscious and harness its power to tap into the unlimited potential you have stored ins! ide. Som e of these processes would be discussed here one by one.

The technique of affirmation can be put down as the simplest technique towards guiding your subconscious mind. This technique involves constantly repeating or reminding your mind about a particular positive aspect that you want to achieve in life.

As an example it may be said that in cases when you have a job to complete which you do not particularly want to then you start feeling deeply tired.

This is a simple stress response and techniques such as affirmations are best suited to overcome this.

In this case, one way would be to constantly remind yourself about the positives or benefits that would follow after the job is done. The other way to affirm would be to face the mirror and repeatedly say to yourself that you could do this job the best, better than anybody else, so much so, that after you finish it's going to be a work of art.

According to science, continuous mental affirmations, whether verbal or written, facilitate tapping the power of the subconscious into changing your behaviour. Hence, mental affirmations can be used effectively for stopping bad habits such as smoking, drinking or overeating.

The second technique in line to affirmations is that of Post Hypnotic Suggestion. A common method in such field of study, it is administered by an expert hypnotherapist. However, this is not always compulsory and there are many individuals who chose to use hypnosis audios in order to undergo self hypnosis themselves.

The third technique of subconscious mind power development is that of Binaural Beats which is an avenue of brainwave synchronization. Here, two sound wave frequencies having a slight difference is heard from each ear by an individual which goes into the brain to synchronize. This in turn synchronizes the two hemispheres of the person's brain and immediately administers a deep meditative trance like state of mind enabling the conscious to communicate with the subconscious.

Evidence exists! in the world of how all this can be taken to a much higher level. Buddhist monks can be stated to be an example of this who have effectively honed their mind power so as to perform feats such as invisibility or levitation, many of which are thought to be supernatural by common people.

Using the power of the subconscious mind enables an individual to control matter on the subatomic level. He can manipulate the same and even control all events around him. Movies such as 'The Secret' and various other books talking about the Law of Attraction discusses about this topic.

This shows that it is not only theoretically possible, but is in fact a physical law which allows you to manifest whatever you want out of life just by successfully communicating with your subconscious mind.

Amazing as it seems but the fact is that recent studies in the field of quantum psychics have come out with the very results that our age old religions of the world has been saying thousand years ago. Our lives or what we live in are nothing but the product of our own minds. Moreover, what ordinary people term as supernatural or psychic, all have been explained by quantum physics.

The scope or possibilities that lie with one's subconscious part of the mind is vast and not realized by many. One should realize that not only is it an instrument for self behaviour modification but can be a path towards a wonderful and adventurous world from now on.

About the Author

Explore the phenomena of using your mind power by visiting the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. What really is the mind power you possess? Get a FREE the subconscious mind video and audio DVD Package when you visit here.

Remembering Truth לזכור את האמת

A dreamy, ethereal audio-visual meditation for mindfulness, stress-management and healing. Enjoy! A verbally guided version of this healing meditation will be made available at: reachingouttoheaven.com Filmed in the Judean Hills and produced by Haya Baker Winiarz MA Founder of Torah Transformational Healing and Logotherapy Educator Haya has been joyously facilitating and teaching Jewish Healing and Torah Healing internationally, for decades. She can be reached at reachingouttoheaven.com For free healing inspirations and invitations to free teleseminars with Haya, join our brief monthly newsletter at: reachingouttoheaven.com Credits: "Heart Chakra" Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by RoyaltyFreeMeditationMusic.com. Cold water stream sounds by Corsica s. Thrush sound by Acclivity

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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